Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
100 Days Of Barackutopia
So first, there is no such thing as pro-choice. How did Republicans allow liberals to coin that term? Pro-choice is really pro-abortion. Let's change the words, and then hopefully change the agenda.
And there are no green jobs. I could hope desperately for one, to no avail. If there are any which I think is a myth, they are are going to China or India anyhow. So what's the point of buying into it?
Smart cars are not really smart. When your navigating a snowstorm with one of those, you will desperately wish for a bulky SUV. Let's get real.
At least we have learned a few things from the first 100 days. Obama didn't mind scaring the beejesus out of Mayor Bloomberg and millions of New Yorkers. He just had to do an Air Force One photo-op. Kind of makes you wonder how prepared we are for another attack, when he's not even sure where one of his planes is.
And we learned that healthcare has to take a backseat to the "agenda."
And that Globama has a special appreciation for the tiny country of Turkey, and their ability to get into the European Union.
We also found out that if another attack happens, we won't be allowed to find out about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's plans for Los Angeles. Because we won't be able to waterboard him anymore.
I'm at a loss to think of anything else this experience has taught us. Oh well, bottoms up. Globama is so cool.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Animal Cruelty And Freedom Of Speech
Monday, April 20, 2009
Columbine 10 Years On
I like the 2nd amendment. And it could have saved many lives on April 20, 1999. And on April 16, 2007. Imagine if Rachel Scott had a gun in her purse when Eric Harris ran in. Or if Matthew Ketcher had one hidden inside his little brown lunch bag.
I am so incredibly tired of hearing that guns are the problem in America. We have them and it's too late. It's too late. And it's a problem that we have so many of them.
But, let us use those guns when it's necessary. Make it so that kids who always follow the rules, don't have to lose their lives for it.
About 8 to 10% of teenagers are depressed. Diverting the public's allegiance from protecting these teens through suicide prevention, to focusing on gun control is so irresponsible.
Better psychiatry could have saved his life. And Grandma too.
Or was it inevitable?
We'll never really know.
But a lack of gun control was not the culprit.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Take That Greedy Baby Boomers
Monday, April 13, 2009
Mr. President, Put Down The Portugese Water Dog And Stop Making Us Plant Edible Lawns
He was busy this weekend, people. Busy buying a Portugese water dog, instead of the mutt he promised America for Sasha and Malia.
Because we all deserve to have a yard like this one pictured below.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Losing Our Moral Compass This Good Friday In America
Maureen Dowd for one thing. Using the pulpit of The New York Times to say that Globama is the first president who like a good shrink, listens. He seems to be listening, but doesn't like to listen to history. The most important thing.
A perfect example was O's infamous quote that, "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens."
And the Founding Fathers screamed.
This nation was founded on moral, Judeo-Christian principles. End of story.
And I am so tired of the fact that Globama seeks to make himself our new religion. Our country cannot get much more secular. And yet there is hope. Many people will be attending services for Passover, Jummah, and Good Friday today.
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religion but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We shall not fight alone. God presides over the destinies of nations." - Patrick Henry
We were founded on Christian principles. Indeed, we were the most moral nation in the world until very recently. In order to get back to our former glory, there is something we must start feeling guilty about.
Tonight at Good Friday services I will light 126 candles. For the unborn 126,000 babies that we lost to abortion today. The babies that I would die to hold in my arms.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
33 Minutes and Oh Ronald, Are You Rolling In Your Grave Yet?
Monday, April 6, 2009
Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall
My inner Ann Coulter and Maureen Dowd is emerging from the fog. Perplxin Texan wanted me to find something sexy about myself to write about. Well, I can think of nothing sexier Perplxin than a genius, political writer like Maureen Dowd from The New York Times. Of course, I'm not nearly as smart as she is, nor was I blessed with red hair. Watch me try and fail miserably.
The point of all of this is simple. Crazy things come out of my imagination at 4:00 am, people.